Temperature Control

Brine and meat must be refrigerated to avoid spoilage.  Chill brine before use - you don't want to partially cook your food.  

Briner University

Science Behind the Flavor / Brine vs Marinade / 3 Steps to Success


What is Brining?

Traditionally brining (or curing) was a way to preserve meat.  Brining as described here is a flavor brine intended to increase moisture retention and enhance flavor.  Flavor brining is a process of soaking raw meat in a salt water and spice solution for a period of time before cooking.  Some of the brine will be absorbed into the meat.  Salt in the brine de-natures some of the meat proteins which in turn blocks water from escaping during cooking.  The result is juicy food enhanced with the flavor of the brine.  Brining properly will not significantly increase salt content in meat.  The best meat types for brining are poultry, pork, fish and seafood.  Whether you roast, smoke, grille or fry, brining first will enhance the flavor, increase moisture retention and shorten cooking times.

Brine vs Marinade

​Marinade's add flavor to the outer layer of the meat.  Typically a marinade will incorporate an acid such as lime / lemon juice, vinegar or wine combined with herbs and spices.  A marinade will only treat only the outer most portion of meat by adding flavor.

A brine is more science than just adding flavor like a marinade.  When a brine is absorbed by meat it changes proteins and enables moisture retention during cooking.  The result is a moist, juicy meat enhanced with the flavors contained in the spices and herbs in the brine.  A brine adds flavor throughout the meat, not just the outer layer.

3 Steps to Success

Step 1:   Make the Brine

Combine salt and spices with water until dissolved.  This can be done with boiling water then chilled, or with cold water.  The brine must be chilled before and during use to avoid partially cooking or spoiling the meat.
Tip:  Get The Briner. It includes instructions that help easily convert any recipe so you make the right amount of brine without handling raw meat an extra time to measure.

Step 2:  Brine Time / Soaking Time

Combine the chilled brine and meat in a non-reactive container made of stainless steel, plastic (food grade), glass or ceramic.  The meat must be completely submerged for the entire soaking time to achieve the desired result.  Soaking times vary by meat type and size.
Tip:  Get The Briner.  Patent Pending design completely resolves the biggest challenge to successful brining - floating food!  Instructions include a brine table showing how long to soak the most popular meat types.

Step 3:  Prepare for cooking

Thoroughly rinse meat before cooking to remove any remaining brine.  Allow to dry, or pat dry with paper towels for crispy skin on poultry.  Avoid adding additional salt, but a no or very low salt rub can be applied to add more flavor.  Brining will reduce cooking times, up to 30%.  Use a meat thermometer to avoid overcooking..
Tip:  Get The Briner.  Easily dry meat by placing in The Briner with the lock plate in the bottom position.  Water and juice will collect in the bottom for easy disposal.